
Our design firm incorporates people with diverse design, administrative, and engineering skills.

Prompt ser­vice, ef­fect­ive cost con­trol,
code-com­pli­ant draw­ings & design,
and com­pet­ent pro­ject man­age­ment!

From Own­er's Concept to Com­pleted Build­ing

Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy PLC. uses ad­vanced pro­gram and di­git­al re­sources to provide high qual­ity ar­chi­tec­tur­al design.  We em­ploy a 3-D Build­ing In­form­a­tion Mod­el (BIM), design pro­gram to fully de­vel­op all design data in­to a com­pre­hens­ive 3-D di­git­al mod­el of your pro­ject.

Cli­ents can view this mod­el both through stand­ard ar­chi­tec­tur­al draw­ings: plans, el­ev­a­tions, sec­tions, and also through our real-time in­ter­act­ive 3-D Fly-through pro­gram.  They can nav­ig­ate through the 3-D mod­el on their own com­puter or tab­let.  This 3-D present­a­tion is a valu­able as­set in design de­cision mak­ing.

Comprehensive Cost Control

Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy PLC. is a full ser­vice de­sign­er.  Our primary goal is to en­sure that the con­struc­tion doc­u­ments serve the goals of our Cli­ent from all stand­points: ap­pear­ance, ef­fi­ciency, en­ergy con­ser­va­tion, cost of con­struc­tion, op­er­a­tion, and dur­ab­il­ity.  In this re­gard we co­or­din­ate and provide all design ser­vices in­clud­ing:

  • space plan­ning
  • site, play­ing field, traffic & land­scap­ing design
  • ar­chi­tec­tur­al design
  • ser­vice design
    • elec­tric­al
    • plumb­ing
    • HVAC
    • com­mu­nic­a­tion
    • ac­cess­ib­il­ity
    • emer­gency. 

Con­struc­tion cost over­runs and mis­takes are of­ten due to lack of com­mu­nic­a­tion between design pro­fes­sion­als.  We take great care to in­cor­por­ate Cli­ent feed­back in­to the draw­ings, and we provide a di­git­al de­tailed cost ana­lys­is at an early stage to avoid delays and change or­ders due to cost is­sues.

We con­sult reg­u­larly dur­ing the design peri­od with the code au­thor­ity, en­gin­eers, and man­u­fac­tur­ers of con­struc­tion products, and with ser­vice trades such as elec­tri­cians and plumb­ers to en­sure that our doc­u­ments con­form to codes and to the best and most ef­fi­cient con­struc­tion prac­tices.

We guar­an­tee that our sub­mis­sion set will get a build­ing per­mit.  Many times, our per­mit sub­mis­sions are ap­proved without com­ment.