Design Process

Our interactive design process includes integrated site & architectural design, conceptual, design development, building permit submission, construction plans, specifications & working drawings, 3D fly through digital model, BIM building information model, interactive cost estimating, and construction cost control.

Prompt schedul­ing, qual­ity work, build­ing code com­pli­ance guar­an­teed.

Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy of­fers a com­plete range of dis­as­ter res­ist­ant, sus­tain­able, and en­ergy ef­fi­cient designs with full con­struc­tion man­age­ment ser­vices to as­sist in real­iz­ing your pro­ject.

Design Ser­vices are usu­ally provided in 4 phases:

1  Con­cep­t Design

Sketch site and build­ing plans, el­ev­a­tions, and per­spect­ive draw­ings, to de­scribe the pro­ject based on cli­ent dis­cus­sions and agreed pro­ject scope.


2.  Design De­vel­op­ment

Di­men­sioned floor plans, el­ev­a­tions, sec­tions, and views to fully de­scribe the pro­ject based on Cli­ent com­ments on the Con­cep­tu­al present­a­tion.  A 3-di­men­sion­al Build­ing In­form­a­tion Mod­el and fly-through 3-D present­a­tion.  A pre­lim­in­ary Budget Es­tim­ate is de­ve­loped to con­trol cost item­iz­ing stand­ard rates for con­struc­tion labor and ma­ter­i­als.


3.  Per­mit Sub­mis­sion

Per­mit sub­mis­sion draw­ings de­lin­eate code re­lated fea­tures of the design, they are or­gan­ized for easy re­view by the build­ing code au­thor­ity.  These draw­ings may also be is­sued to pro­spect­ive bid­ders for con­struc­tion cost es­tim­ates.


4. Con­struc­tion Draw­ings

De­tails and sched­ules for open­ings, equip­ment, fin­ishes, and lay­outs for: elec­tric­al, plumb­ing & mech­an­ic­al ser­vices are ad­ded to the draw­ings.  Spe­cif­ic­a­tions of Ma­ter­i­als and Meth­ods are is­sued to ac­com­pany them.  The Spe­cif­ic­a­tions and Con­struc­tion Draw­ings can be in­cor­por­ated in­to a Con­tract for Con­struc­tion between Own­er and Build­er.  Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture of­fers con­struc­tion cost con­trol, bid, and con­struc­tion man­age­ment ser­vices.


5. Con­struc­tion Con­tract Ad­min­is­tra­tion (op­tion­al phase)

Con­tract ad­min­is­tra­tion con­sists of bid man­age­ment, shop draw­ing re­view, con­struc­tion su­per­vi­sion, pro­gress pho­to­graphy and re­port­ing, change or­der man­age­ment, in­ter­im and fi­nal pay­ment cer­ti­fic­ates based on the ap­proved con­struc­tion budget.

Step by Step Design Pro­cess:

  1. Pro­ject Pro­gram ana­lys­is and Cli­ent meet­ings to con­firm and cla­ri­fy pro­ject re­quire­ments.  Minutes of all dis­cus­sions are sent to the Cli­ent for con­firm­a­tion.
  2. A se­cure Mac­don­ald Ar­chi­tec­ture & Tech­no­logy Web Portal is cre­ated for each Cli­ent pro­ject.  Draw­ings, in­struc­tions, re­ports, and oth­er pro­ject doc­u­ments are safely and privately shared via this portal.
  3. Site vis­its: field meas­ure­ments, and doc­u­men­ta­tion of build­ings, util­it­ies, site ele­ments and fa­cil­it­ies.  A Site Re­port is is­sued to the Cli­ent along with any ques­tions. 
  4. Con­cep­tu­al draw­ings are cre­ated to show­ pro­posed designs for space and fa­cil­ity plan­ning, in­clud­ing sketches of build­ing in­teri­or and ex­ter­i­or ap­pear­ance.
  5. A 3 di­men­sion­al di­git­al Build­ing In­form­a­tion Mod­el (BIM) is cre­ated so Cli­ents may fly-through the design.  This 3 Di­men­sion­al present­a­tion is a valu­able tool for de­cision mak­ing.
  6. Cli­ent feed­back on the pro­posed design concept.                                                  
  7. De­sign De­vel­op­ment Draw­ings & Spe­cif­ic­a­tions are based on feed­back and Cli­ent dis­cus­sions.  The Design De­vel­op­ment phase in­cludes a de­tailed item­ized Con­struc­tion Cost Es­tim­ate for Cli­ent re­view and con­firm­a­tion of con­struc­tion budget.  
  8. Cli­ent Dis­cus­sions re­gard­ing the ma­ter­i­al and equip­ment choices de­scribed in the draw­ings, spe­cif­ic­a­tions, and cost ana­lys­is.  Design De­vel­op­ment draw­ings and doc­u­ments are mod­i­fied ac­cord­ingly.
  9. Pro­fes­sion­al en­gin­eers and/or oth­er con­sult­ants are en­gaged as agreed with the Cli­ent.
  10. A pro­posed Site Plan is is­sued for Zon­ing per­mit.
  11. The Build­ing Per­mit Sub­mis­sion Set is is­sued and sub­mit­ted for build­ing per­mit.
  12. Open­ing, fin­ish, and equip­ment sched­ules, and elec­tric­al, plumb­ing, and mech­an­ic­al lay­outs are ad­ded to the Per­mit Sub­mis­sion Set to cre­ate the Con­struc­tion Draw­ings.    
  13. Upon ap­prov­al for con­struc­tion, the Ar­chi­tect can as­sist the Cli­ent in con­struc­tion bid man­age­ment.
  14. Op­tion­al Con­struc­tion Man­age­ment ser­vices are provided un­der Con­struc­tion Con­tract Ad­min­is­tra­tion:
  • Su­per­vi­sion and pro­gress re­port­ing in­clud­ing con­tract­or meet­ing minutes & pho­to­graphy

  • Change Or­der man­age­ment

  • Shop Draw­ing re­view and ana­lys­is

  • Item­ized Cost Con­trol Pro­gram with peri­od­ic up­dates based on Change Or­ders and Field In­struc­tions

  • Cer­ti­fic­a­tion of con­tract­or in­ter­im pay­ments

  • Punch List

  • Cer­ti­fic­ate of Com­ple­tion.